Artificial Intelligence Tools

Best ChatGPT Prompts for All Kinds of Workflow

125+ Best ChatGPT Prompts for All Kinds of Workflow

  1. Best ChatGPT 4 Prompts
    1. Let ChatGPT Generate its prompts
    2. Test GPT-4’s Reasoning
    3. Draft Lawsuits for Spam Callers
    4. Fetch Exam Format and Tips for Complex Exams
    5. Break down Stories in Nuanced Formats
    6. Summarize Text Intelligently
    7. Get Help in Language Learning
    8. Seek Web Development Tips
    9. Hustle and Grind with ChatGPT
    10. Make ChatGPT a Developer Guru
    11. Generate Quick Prompts
    12. Stay updated on a topic
    13. Make Money With ChatGPT
    14. Make ChatGPT Less Preachy
  2. Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing and Content Creation
    1. Write a blog post
    2. Synonyms Provider
    3. Convert ChatGPT to a tech journalist
    4. English Translator
    5. Make ChatGPT a plagiarism checker
    6. Train ChatGPT to learn your writing
    7. Become a screenwriter
    8. Get help with article outlines
    9. Instill creativity onto pre-written content
    10. Draft Poems with ChatGPT
    11. Add metaphors to posts
    12. Article Summary
    13. Revise user writing
    14. Let ChatGPT weave stories
  3. Best ChatGPT Prompts for Fun
    1. Enter Fantasy Land
    2. ChatGPT Roleplays for you
    3. Make ChatGPT Drunk
    4. ChatGPT goes crazy
    5. Do anything now
    6. Stand-up comedian
    7. Sentence to emoji converter
    8. Spongebob’s Magic Conch Shell
    9. Act as a magician
    10. ChatGPT jokes with you
    11. Make ChatGPT your personal trainer
  4. Best ChatGPT Prompts for Web Development
    1. Make ChatGPT a Python interpreter
    2. Make ChatGPT a Linux terminal
    3. Make ChatGPT a Javascript console
    4. Produce cheat sheets
    5. Get quick shortcuts
    6. Debug code
    7. Consult on web design
    8. Make ChatGPT an SQL terminal
    9. Suggest frameworks
    10. Typescript function
    11. Have ChatGPT Explain your code
    12. Translate Code
    13. Write Unit Tests
  5. Best ChatGPT Prompts for Music
    1. Act as a composer
    2. Become a rapper
    3. Write songs
    4. Produce chords for music
    5. Write intricate songs
    6. Helping with lyrics
    7. Create poems
    8. Simplify Chords
    9. Write Chord progression
    10. Compose classical music
  6. Best ChatGPT prompts for Career
    1. Act as an interviewer
    2. Generate a resume summary
    3. Write a cover letter
    4. Write a summary of abilities
    5. Create unique selling points
    6. Write a summary for a job position
    7. Highlight experience
    8. Improve resume
    9. Write cold e-mails
    10. Avoid career pitfalls
    11. Draft acceptance letter
    12. Connect with others
  7. Best ChatGPT Prompts for Education
    1. Convert ChatGPT to a textbook
    2. Create multiple-choice questions
    3. Use the 80/20 principle to learn faster
    4. Convert transcripts to questions
    5. Summarize books into summaries
    6. Devise crash courses
    7. Create unseen passages
    8. Explain complex concepts
    9. Create future lessons
    10. Rewrite essays
    11. Summarize lessons
    12. Learn from your mistakes
    13. General Tips and tricks
    14. Last-minute revision
  8. Best ChatGPT prompts for Marketing
    1. Become an advertiser
    2. Write AIDAs
    3. Write Instagram captions
    4. Create Tweets
    5. Come up with texts
    6. Create a sense of urgency
    7. Curate marketing campaigns
    8. Use different marketing frameworks
    9. Instagram story ideas
    10. Generate video script
    11. Upselling with E-mail marketing
    12. Translate Ad copies using AI
  9. Best ChatGPT prompts for Gaming
    1. Play Tic-Tac-Toe
    2. Play Hangman
    3. Convert ChatGPT to a video game
    4. Akinator
    5. Play Word Ladder
    6. Explore Dice Games
    7. Play trivia games
    8. Play Gomoku
    9. Play Rock, Paper, Scissors
    10. Two Truths and a Lie
    11. Guess the ASCII Art
  10. Best ChatGPT prompts for Food and Cooking
    1. Improvise recipes out of ingredients
    2. Plan meals in advance
    3. Decide on a party menu
    4. Help in Baking
    5. Get dessert ideas
    6. Make ChatGPT a chef altogether
    7. Healthy recipe suggestions
    8. Explore different cuisines
    9. Breakfast ideas
    10. Suggest meals on a calorie budget
  11. Best ChatGPT Prompts for Travel and Tourism
    1. Act as a travel guide
    2. Suggest landmarks
    3. Get reviews on nearby restaurants
    4. Imagine your destination in a new light
    5. Plan trips
    6. Airline reviews
    7. Detailed location suggestions
    8. Budgeting
    9. Sustainable travel tips
    10. General travel tips
  12. Bonus: ChatGPT for Search Engines

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